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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Teatime Update from Robinwood

Wow! What an awesome group of children. They have given EVERYTHING so far their best shot – and we have done so much already!  The crate challenge saw all three groups building to the maximum level with brilliant teamwork and cooperation.  The trapeze saw every single child just go for it, with determination and resilience....
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Robinwood – We’re here!

We had a great journey and we’re here safely.  The children have unpacked, made their beds and they are busy tucking into their lunch before a full programme of activities this afternoon!  
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Public Holiday – Monday 19 September

Good morning, The Department for Education have confirmed that schools should close for the day of the Queen’s funeral.  Therefore, Crayke Primary will be closed on Monday 19 September.  The planned residential for Year 6 pupils will be going ahead this weekend.  School will reopen on Tuesday 20 September as normal. With best wishes Judi...
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Crayke’s Big Tidy Up Event – Saturday 24 September 2022

Good afternoon, To help get our wonderful grounds in tip top condition, we would love your help next Saturday (24 September).  If you fancy a spot of weeding, pruning, hedge cutting or general tidying of our outside areas, we would love to hear from you. School will be open on Saturday 24 September from 10am...
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RIP Queen Elizabeth

We are saddened to hear of the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth this afternoon and we thank her for her many years of service.
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Welcome Back!

Good morning everyone! Welcome back to the start of the new academic year – we were so excited to see everyone looking so smart, ready and happy this morning.  Everyone is already busy learning the new routines of their classes; the atmosphere in school is absolutely lovely and very calm. What a brilliant way to...
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Final Farewell to Year 6

A new Crayke tradition to end the year… a guard of honour to send our wonderful Year 6 on their way! We wish all our lovely families a truly wonderful summer. Enjoy!
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Colour Run

Sorry about the state of your laundry baskets and showers tonight but oh my goodness, it was worth it! The children had an absolute blast!
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Superb Splash Success!

What an absolute triumph the KS2 production was! We were so proud of all of the children and their amazing efforts. A huge well done to everyone involved. Here’s a selection of photos to give you a flavour of the marvellousness!
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