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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Cross Country Event

We have 9 places available on the coach to the cross country event at Knayton tomorrow, so if any parent would like to come with us, please let us know and they will be allocated on a first come/first serve basis.
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Parents’ Evening

The next Parents’ Evenings will take place on Tuesday, 11th and Wednesday, 12th March, 2014.  Please put your names on the signatory sheets in the front entrance for the class your child is in on the correct day.
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Y6 Residential Visit to East Barnby

Just a reminder that the Year 6 residential trip to the Outdoor Education Centre at East Barnby takes place between 19th – 23rd May 2014. The cost for this trip is £258.50 + £10 donation towards the coach costs.  If anyone wishes to pay with installments towards this trip, please contact Mrs. Cotterill.  The deadline...
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Headteacher Appointment

I am sorry to have to inform you that the Governors were unable to make an appointment for a new Headteacher last week.  The Governors will begin the process of advertising again shortly.
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Fairtrade Fortnight

Welcome to Fairtrade Fortnight 2014 at Crayke School. The children have already met Foncho, a Fairtrade banana producer, who is the face of Fairtrade Fortnight 2014. He reminds us to buy Fairtrade bananas so that producers around the world receive a fair deal. You can find out more about him on You Tube. This year...
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World Book Day

As you will undoubtedly know, World Book Day is taking place next Thursday, 6th March.  However, just to be a little different, Crayke School’s World Book Day will take place on Friday, 7th March due to sporting commitments – swimming, football, netball and cross country! We have decided that the theme this year will be...
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Dinner money for next half term

Just to let you know that, unless you receive a personal email with a specific amount for dinner money, dinner money for the next half term is £63.  Have a good holiday.
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Assessment Meeting for Reception Parents

Don’t forget the meeting tomorrow, Thursday, 13th February, for Reception parents to discuss assessment with Miss Wagstaff.
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Parking at the end of the school day

We have received a phone call from one of the residents of Sycamore Cottages about ‘inconsiderate parking’  at 3.30pm.  Residents are concerned that they are not able to park in front of their own homes at this time and that parents are not moving off promptly once they have collected their children from school.  One...
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After school club dates

Apologies for the incorrect dates re Rugby and Netball clubs.  Those dates are in half term and clubs will actually start on the Tuesday and Wednesday of the week after (25 26 February).
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