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Front Page News Post

Easingwold School Open Evening

The annual Open Evening at Easingwold Secondary School takes place on Thursday, 26th September from 6.00 to 8.00 p.m.  This is an evening for those parents and students who are considering applying for a place at the school for September 2014. There will be two opportunities to attend an introduction from the headteacher, Mr. Phil...
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Early Morning Drop Offs

Could I please remind all parents that there is no supervision in the school playground until 8.50 a.m. and children should not arrive at school before this time.  If they arrive earlier, the school cannot be responsible for these children.
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Fairtrade Christmas Fundraising for Suamy

As part of our annual fundraising events for Suamy, our Honduran sponsored child, the School Council will be sending out the Traidcraft Fairtrade Christmas catalogue this week.  It is full of great Christmas gift ideas and we receive 10% commission on all items sold.  As catalogues are limited, they will be given to each class in turn.  When...
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Class 1 Achievement Assembly

As you will have seen from the diary dates, this Friday, 20th September, is Class 1 Achievement Assembly.  For those parents who are new to Class 1, this is an opportunity for parents to come along at 9.10 a.m. and share in our assembly.  Each class takes it in turn on a weekly basis to show some...
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Jeans for Genes Day

This Friday, 20th September, is the annual Jeans for Genes day, to support this very worthwhile charity.  Children should wear their normal school uniform on top, i.e. t-shirt and sweatshirt, but they may then wear their jeans to school for a donation of £1 for all children.
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Calling Year 1 Parents

We’d like to invite you to join us for s short information sharing regarding teaching and learning for Year 1 pupils.  We look forward to seeing you in the hall at 3.10 p.m. on Friday, 13th September to finish at the end of the school day.
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Reception Pick Up Times

There appears to be some confusion over the pick up times for children in Reception.  To clarify, as stated in the Starter Guide for Parents, children will be picked up at 12 noon for the first week.  For week commencing 9th September, Reception children will stay for lunch and then be picked up at 1.00...
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Car parking

Just a quick reminder and also to inform new parents of the system for parking in the layby.  There are three lanes in the layby.  The lane nearest to the main road and the shrub border, together with the middle lane, is for staff and visitor parking.  The third lane nearest to the pavement is...
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Dinner money

For those parents who have not received an individual email, dinner money for this half term is £81.90 per child made payable to NYCC as usual. Thank you.
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Welcome back the new term!

                        All PE kit – including trainers must be kept in PE bags *ALL uniform  and PE kit must be named *There should be NO electronic gadgets or mobile phones should be brought to school – this is not only for insurance purposes but gadgets with internet access are...
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