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News Flash

Front Page News Post

A Plea from a Parent!

One of the children who has a guitar lesson on a Friday afternoon has misplaced his guitar – a very distinctive blue one!  If anyone has any knowledge of this guitar, please could they let Mrs. Cotterill know and she will pass on the information.  Thanks
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RED NOSE DAY this Friday!

The theme of this year’s Comic Relief is ‘DO SOMETHING FUNNY FOR MONEY – Transform yourself’ and so on Friday this week – 15th March we are inviting the children to do just that – come as someone or something else! This may be coming as their mum, dad, friend, superhero, favourite animal, favourite book...
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Big Fairtrade ‘Bake Off’

Please remember the Fairtrade ‘Bake Off’ on Friday this week. A tea party will be held in the Hall at 2.30pm where tea and cake will be served. The idea is that the cakes made will have as many Fairtrade ingredients as possible : Fairtrade ingredients are available from many health food shops and Supermarkets,...
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World Book Day

World Book Day is Thursday, 7th March.  This year we will be celebrating this event by sharing favourite books.  Staff will be bringing their favourite children’s books in and sharing them with their classes and Mrs. Manfield will be reading a selection of her favourite books in assembly. We are also asking children to bring...
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Play in a day – DVD £7.50

You may remember that post our Ofsted inspection, we all enjoyed the production of ‘Katie’s Picture Show’ at the Sports Hall. We had the production professionally filmed and they have produced a DVD of the day. However, not only is the production on there but also snapshots of national events in 2012 so that in...
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Reminder- class 3 assembly tomorrow

Just a reminder that it is class 3 assembly tomorrow morning at 9.10am.
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Dinner Money

Dinner money for this half term is £50.40, made payable to NYCC.  As usual, however, due to illness, holidays or trips there are some refunds to be given.  If your child does not receive a specific note, then the amount payable is as above.  Most children in Classes 3 and 4 have refunds. Thanks
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Y5/6 Theatre trip – THIS WEEK!

We have been offered the fantastic opportunity to take the Y5/6 class to see the play Goodnight Mister Tom at Grand Opera House York, this Thursday 28th February. We will be leaving school for the 1pm matinee and will return to school at 4pm. The children will require a pack up. The cost for both...
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It’s over!!

Thanks so much for all the support ….. I am now recovering after 2 and 1/2 hours of plodding! It was amazing to see everyone doing their bit both for charity and personal achievement. i am pleased to say too that I raised a grand total of £640 For water aid Am glad it’s half...
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Wear a ‘onesie’ for Water Aid!

As some of you may or may not know, this Sunday I shall be plodding the streets of Brighton in the Brighton Half Marathon. I did explain to the children in January that even as adults we have to learn new skills and more importantly rise to the challenge of things we find difficult ( breathing after...
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