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News Feature

The latest 4 posts in this Cat will be displayed in the top slider on the front page of the website.

Open Afternoon – Tuesday 19 September

Good afternoon, We would like to offer all parents and carers the opportunity to visit school during our Open Afternoon next week. The session will begin at 1:45pm with a welcome from me about our school vision, ethos and priorities for the forthcoming academic year. From 2pm until 3:20pm the classrooms will be open for...
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Robinwood Residential Information

Good afternoon, We look forward to seeing parents/carers of Oak class children for a meeting about the Robinwood residential at 9:05am on Monday morning. In case you are unable to make it, the PowerPoint pack is attached for your perusal here: Presentation for Parents Paper copies of the personal information form will be provided for...
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Curriculum Trees Autumn Term 2023

Please see attached Curriculum Trees for this term’s learning in each subject area for each class this term. Apple Class Curriculum Tree Autumn Term 1 2023 Beech Class Curriculum Tree Year B Autumn Term 2023 Holly Class Curriculum Tree Year B Autumn Term 2023 Oak Class Curriculum Tree Year B Autumn Term 2023
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Home School Values – Autumn Term 2023

Good morning, Our special values for this term are Thankfulness and Trust. We hope that you will be able to take some time as a family to explore these concepts and complete some of the activities together. Further information about these values is also included in the children’s reading diaries. HomeSchoolValues-THANKFULNESS HomeSchoolValues-TRUST  
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Diary Dates 2023/2024

Good afternoon, Please find attached diary dates for the forthcoming academic year, which are correct at the time of going to press. We try to share these with you with as much notice as possible in order to allow for arranging time off work where necessary. Unfortunately on some occasions dates need to be changed,...
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Letter to Parents and Carers re RAAC

Please see attached letter for information. Letter to parents and carers re RAAC September 2023 Judi Jackson Headteacher
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Back to School Information

Good afternoon, I hope that you have all had a wonderful summer break and are just about ready to return to the routine of school term life! Please read the following information carefully ahead of our return to school on Tuesday 5 September.  This will be especially useful for our new families, but is also...
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Robinwood Residential Information

Good morning, Parents/Carers of children who will be in Year 5/6 in September are invited to an information meeting about the visit on Monday 11 September at 9:05am in the school hall.  In the meantime please see the attached documentation which may be useful to have a read over before the meeting. Robinwood Information Leaflet...
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Stay Safe Online This Summer

Please see this leaflet for information relating to staying safe online this summer. stay-safe-online-this-summer Mrs Jackson
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Colour Run 2023

Well, if you thought it was good last year… this year’s obstacle theme took it to a whole new level! So many children have talked about the Colour Run being the best day in the school year and today certainly did not disappoint! A huge thank you to Mrs Helfferich for organising this wonderful experience....
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