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Crayke Chronicle Friday 17 May 2024

It is our intention that the Standing Items attachment will not be altered during the term but we will inform you if changes are made. Please do read it as it contains important information about safeguarding, online safety, spelling lists, our fundraising project and how to apply for free school meals amongst other things. Crayke...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 10 May 2024

It is our intention that the Standing Items attachment will not be altered during the term but we will inform you if changes are made. Please do read it as it contains important information about safeguarding, online safety, spelling lists, our fundraising project and how to apply for free school meals amongst other things. Crayke...
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Parent Governor Vacancy from September 2024

Following the details that were distributed on 15 April, we are delighted to inform you that two parents have been nominated for the parent governor vacancy in September.  As we only have one vacancy, we will need to hold an election. We have received nominations from Toby Tsang (Year 2 parent) and Fiona Ankers (Reception...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 26 April 2024

It is our intention that the Standing Items attachment will not be altered during the term but we will inform you if changes are made. Please do read it as it contains important information about safeguarding, online safety, spelling lists, our fundraising project and how to apply for free school meals amongst other things. Crayke...
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Duracell Big Battery Hunt – We need your help!

As a school we have signed up to ‘Duracell’s Big Battery Hunt’. ‘We believe that to tackle the effects of climate change, we need to inspire and encourage children to care about their environment now and in the future. With over a billion batteries consumed in the UK every year and less than half recycled, we...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 19 April 2024

It is our intention that the Standing Items attachment will not be altered during the term but we will inform you if changes are made. Please do read it as it contains important information about safeguarding, online safety, spelling lists, our fundraising project and how to apply for free school meals amongst other things. Crayke...
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Parent Governor Vacancy

Good afternoon, Please see attached documentation regarding a Parent Governor vacancy. Parent Governor Election Summer 2024 Nomination Paper Statement in Support of Election Publication of governors details and register of interest Disqualification Declaration Please note the deadline for applications is 15:30 on Tuesday 7 May 2024. If you would like to know more about the...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 12 April 2024

It is our intention that the Standing Items attachment will not be altered during the term but we will inform you if changes are made. Please do read it as it contains important information about safeguarding, online safety, spelling lists, our fundraising project and how to apply for free school meals amongst other things. Crayke...
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After School Clubs Summer Term 2024

Dear Parents/Carers Please see below the after school clubs that will be running this term from Monday 15 April.   All clubs, except for Indoor Multi-Sport, have limited places and these will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  Please note that some clubs are now open to Reception pupils. As previously, priority will...
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Dinner Money Summer Term 1 2024 (8 April – 24 May)

Dear Parents/Carers Dinner money for the first half of this term (7 weeks from 8 April to 24 May less 1 training and 1 Bank Holiday) is now due for children in Holly and Oak Class. The total amount due is £108.90 and the payment item is set up so that you can make a...
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