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Class 3 Topic Day – Change of Date

Unfortunately due to staffing shortages of the company visiting school for Class 3’s topic day scheduled for Monday 4th November, this will now take place on Tuesday 12th November. Children can continue to collect plastics mentioned in the previous post (with a 1, 2 or 4 in the triangle,) but we kindly request that these...
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Reminder: Car Parking Outside School

Just a quick reminder of the system for parking in the lay-by outside school.  There are three lanes in the lay-by – The lane nearest to the main road and the shrub border, together with the middle lane, is for staff and visitor parking, so please keep these lanes free for staff arriving at work...
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Big Red Book Bus: Thank you

A huge thank you to everyone who supported the ‘Big Red Book Bus’ run by the Book People.   It was a huge success, with almost £500 worth of books purchased! We will be running another one next year, but in the meantime, please consider raising further money for our school to buy books if you...
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Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2019

Poppies for the annual Poppy Appeal will be available in school after half-term for a small donation.  As with previous years, alongside the poppies, the Royal British Legion have provided school with various items such as wristbands, snap bands, clip on bag reflectors and zip pulls that can also be purchased for a donation of...
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Mr Buttery Update

Dear Parents/Carers Unfortunately Mr Buttery has had post op complications and has been signed off work for 2 weeks, so he will not be back in school until after half-term. As a result of this the following 2 activities have been CANCELLED this week – RUN A MILE CLUB – TUESDAY 22ND AND THURSDAY 24TH...
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Quality Mark Revalidation

I am pleased to announce that we successfully passed our Quality Mark revalidation inspection (16/10/2019).  The aforementioned inspection was based on both EYFS and Primary Quality Mark strands. These prestigious awards externally validate the work that we do at school. The Quality Mark is an award that celebrates and supports continuous improvement in English and...
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School Development Plan 2019-2020

Introduction to the School Development Plan The School Development Plan aims to prioritise our activities in order that we might meet the school aims as detailed below and to continue to develop as an outstanding school in all areas. It is our vision that we may work in an ethos of respect and friendship and...
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Photograph Orders Extension

We have just been advised that the Lafayette Photograph Orders won’t be collected now until tomorrow morning, so if you thought you’d missed the deadline – there’s still time!
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Reminder: Clothing Collection next Monday 21st October

Just a reminder that we are collecting clothing bags at school next Monday 21st October.   This is a great excuse to clear out your wardrobes and drawers and recycle your unwanted clothes, shoes and bags and help raise money for Crayke Primary School and The Firefighters Charity. The bags will be collected from outside...
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Scheduled Absence from School of Mr. Buttery

Dear Parents/Carers, I am writing to inform you that on Friday 18th October, I am scheduled to undergo minor surgery.  I am hopeful that I will be sufficiently recovered to return to work by the middle part of the following week. The aforementioned will result in the rescheduling of Runners for Runners (sporty non-uniform day). ...
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