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Open Afternoon – Tuesday 19 September

Good afternoon, We would like to offer all parents and carers the opportunity to visit school during our Open Afternoon next week. The session will begin at 1:45pm with a welcome from me about our school vision, ethos and priorities for the forthcoming academic year. From 2pm until 3:20pm the classrooms will be open for...
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OAK CLASS: Young Voices Concert 9 January 2023 – URGENT

Dear Parents/Carers of children in Oak Class We are delighted to be able to offer children in Oak Class the opportunity to be part of the amazing Young Voices Concert that will be touring the UK in 2024.  We have booked places for our children to perform in the choir at Sheffield Arena on Tuesday 9 January and...
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Whole School Photograph Orders Summer 2023

Dear Parents/Carers of children in Year 1 to Year 6 Prior to the whole school photograph in June, we sent out a survey to gauge the likely uptake of parents/carers purchasing a copy following the shoot, due to having a minimum order value to reach of £500.  The results of the survey indicated we would...
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Robinwood Residential Information

Good afternoon, We look forward to seeing parents/carers of Oak class children for a meeting about the Robinwood residential at 9:05am on Monday morning. In case you are unable to make it, the PowerPoint pack is attached for your perusal here: Presentation for Parents Paper copies of the personal information form will be provided for...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 8 September 2023

Welcome to our new look newsletter! Please see the relevant attachments below.  The Chronicle is available in both PowerPoint and PDF versions to enable optimal viewing on different devices. The Standing Items and Diary Dates documents are also available in both formats. It is our intention that the Standing Items attachment will not be altered...
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Curriculum Trees Autumn Term 2023

Please see attached Curriculum Trees for this term’s learning in each subject area for each class this term. Apple Class Curriculum Tree Autumn Term 1 2023 Beech Class Curriculum Tree Year B Autumn Term 2023 Holly Class Curriculum Tree Year B Autumn Term 2023 Oak Class Curriculum Tree Year B Autumn Term 2023
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Home School Values – Autumn Term 2023

Good morning, Our special values for this term are Thankfulness and Trust. We hope that you will be able to take some time as a family to explore these concepts and complete some of the activities together. Further information about these values is also included in the children’s reading diaries. HomeSchoolValues-THANKFULNESS HomeSchoolValues-TRUST  
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Dinner Money Autumn Term 1 2023

Dinner money for the first half of this term (5 September – 27 October) is now due for children in Holly and Oak Class. The total amount due is £128.70 for 8 weeks less 1 training day. Payment should be made through your ParentPay account and the payment item is set up so that you...
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Diary Dates 2023/2024

Good afternoon, Please find attached diary dates for the forthcoming academic year, which are correct at the time of going to press. We try to share these with you with as much notice as possible in order to allow for arranging time off work where necessary. Unfortunately on some occasions dates need to be changed,...
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Letter to Parents and Carers re RAAC

Please see attached letter for information. Letter to parents and carers re RAAC September 2023 Judi Jackson Headteacher
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