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Parents’ Evenings

Just a reminder that Parents’ Evenings this term are on Tuesday, 20th and Wednesday, 21st October, depending on which class your child is in, starting at 3.50 p.m.   The time sheets will be available from Monday morning for parents to place their name against the most convenient time period.
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Traffic Light System for Behaviour

I am writing to inform you about the traffic light behaviour system that we use in Class 2.  This system uses a visual colour code because of the age of the children in Class 2 and is the same as the behaviour systems in Classes 3 and 4, where verbal warnings are given instead of the...
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Mrs. Manfield’s Return

I am pleased to announce that Mrs. Manfield will be returning to school this week, working Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday mornings.  To maintain continuity, Mrs. Cahill will be working those corresponding afternoons.  This working pattern will be reviewed on a weekly basis.
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New Curriculum Spellings

Dear Parents and Carers, As you are already aware, the government have introduced a new curriculum for all schools to follow.  The new curriculum has encompassed many of the previous curriculum’s objectives, as well as increasing the expectations for children in each year group especially in terms of maths, reading and writing.  As all year...
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Class 2 DT Project – Castles

As you will already know, Class 2 will be building castles for their DT project this half term.  With this in mind, please could the children bring into school tomorrow suitable sized boxes and tubes (no bigger than a shoe box and please bear in mind, unfortunately, we cannot use toilet tissue tubes) in a...
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Once again, I am afraid we have to report that there are cases of headlice in school.  Would parents all please check their children’s hair carefully and take any remedial action necessary with the whole family to try to eradicate cases in school.  Thank you for your assistance in this.
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Sugar Mouse Cup – we won it again!

Congratulations to the boys from Class 4 who successfully retained the Sugar Mouse Cup.  I was hugely impressed by the superb teamwork and commitment on show, which resulted in Crayke winning all five games and only conceding one goal! Thanks go to Keith Houchen for his brilliant coaching and to Mr. Boyce for arranging the...
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