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Class 2

Church ‘The Real Easter Egg’ Competition

As part of this half-terms homework in Class 2, 3 and 4, children were asked to submit an entry for ‘The Real Easter Egg’ Competition. If you would like school to submit your child/rens entry, please can you ensure that they are brought into school by Monday 13th March, so that we can get them...
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Phonic Games Library

For children in Year 1 who are taking the phonics screening check this year, there will be a selection of phonics games available to “borrow” in the entrance hall from today, to support their work in class. Please remember to sign in and out any game that you borrow.  Any questions, please see Miss Lawrie.
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Class 2 Talk for Writing Homework

  The Talk for Writing homework (Class 2) due in on 10/02/17 will now be carried over to next half-term’s homework sheet, so there will be no homework due on 10/02/17. Thank you, Miss Lawrie
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Class 2’s Achievement Assembly This Friday

Just a reminder that it is Class 2’s Achievement Assembly this Friday 16th December at 9.05am.
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Growth Mindset Day in Key Stage One

On Friday 4th November, Classes One & Two had a great day using Growth Mindsets to complete a range of different activities. The children were split into four different mixed age groups to work together to overcome a variety of different challenges. Challenge 1 We discussed what a patchwork quilt was and why they are treasured...
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Pirate Day Class 2 Tomorrow – Old Newspapers Required

We would be grateful for any donations of old newspapers for our Pirate Day in Class 2 tomorrow. Many thanks
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Pirate Day Tuesday 8th November – Parent Volunteers Needed

On Tuesday 8th November,  Class 2 will be having a ‘Pirate Day’ as part of their topic work. The children will be visited by ‘Pirate Ron’ and have the opportunity to take part in a range of different activities throughout the day. It would be great if your child/children could come to school dressed up...
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Class 2 – Pirate Day Tuesday 8th November

On Tuesday 8th November,  Class 2 will be having a ‘Pirate Day’ as part of their topic work. The children will be visited by ‘Pirate Ron’ and have the opportunity to take part in a range of different activities throughout the day. It would be great if your child/children could come to school dressed up...
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Class 2 Autumn Term Newsletter and Homework

class-2-newsletter-autumn-1 class-2-autumn-1-2016
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Growing up in North Yorkshire Survey (Year 2 & Year 6)

2016 –GROWING UP IN NORTH YORKSHIRE PUPIL SURVEY Dear Parents/Carers of children in Year 2 & Year 6 Our school, along with the majority of North Yorkshire schools, has agreed to participate in the 2016 Growing Up in North Yorkshire Survey for young people.   Information gained from individual school and county level analysis of...
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