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Front Page News Post

Carlton Lodge – Day 2 Update

We’ve had such a brilliant (and very busy) day today. We were treated to a delicious full English breakfast and enjoyed trying our hand at archery. Mrs Jackson came to visit for the morning, too! After that, we headed to the climbing wall where everyone had a go and challenged themselves. We had a packed...
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End of Day 1 at Carlton Lodge

What a busy day! The children worked incredibly well as a team to build their raft and nobody fell off it (despite some games standing up doing the macarena on top of it!) They then got the chance to jump off it and the entire group were asking to go across the wobbly rope bridge!...
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Carlton Lodge – Arrived!

We have all arrived, settled in and made our beds (with varying degrees of successs!) and all the children are currently enjoying kayaking on the lake. They are excited to do raft building later on before our evening meal, orienteering and a film (along with birthday cake and popcorn to celebrate Leonard’s 10th birthday today!)...
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Home School Values – Summer Term 2023

Our special values for this term are RESPECT and FRIENDSHIP. We hope that you will be able to take some time as a family to explore these concepts and complete some of the activities together. HomeSchoolValues-RESPECT HomeSchoolValues-FRIENDSHIP
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Clubs this week – correction

Good morning again, Apologies for any confusion – Mark Cromack’s Multi Sports club is tomorrow (Tuesday) and Mrs Rayner’s SATs club is on Wednesday this week! All other clubs, including Running Club start next week. Further details about this term’s club offer will follow later this week. Have a lovely day!
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Welcome Back to the Summer Term!

Good morning and welcome back to the Summer Term.  We look forward to seeing everyone looking smart and ready for the final term of the academic year, tomorrow (Tuesday 18 April), from 8:50am. Please remember that all clubs resume next week, except Mark Cromack’s multi-sports (today) and Mrs Rayner’s SATs Club for Year 6 (tomorrow)....
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Crayke’s Greatest Show!

What a spectacular afternoon! The event was brilliantly organised by Miss Walker and the School Council; every performer was simply amazing, Tom and Oskar were brilliant technicians, Emma was a superb score keeper and Percy was a phenomenal compère.  Our thanks to our wonderful judges Mr Porter, Mrs Willshaw and Mrs Wheatley, who had a...
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Crayke’s Greatest Show – Finalists Revealed!

Message from Miss Walker: We’re incredibly excited to announce our finalists who will perform in the talent show! A massive congratulations to all those who auditioned, everyone was fabulous and I’m so impressed with their confidence and passion.  Each class has now voted and the following children will represent their class in the talent show: Zephie (singing)William...
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Back to school advice regarding illness – Jan 2023

Good evening, Please do take a moment to read the following advice from the UK Health Security Agency in the light of high levels of winter illnesses. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. Judi Jackson Headteacher
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Home School Values – Spring Term 2023

Our special values for this term are COURAGE and FORGIVENESS. We hope that you will be able to take some time as a family to explore these concepts and complete some of the activities together. HomeSchoolValues-COURAGE HomeSchoolValues-FORGIVENESS
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