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Sports kit – Friday

Good afternoon, As some of you may be aware, Mr Montgomery is accompanying Class 4 on their educational visit on Friday.  This will mean that children in Classes 1, 2 and 3 will not have their usual PE session this week.  However, to avoid confusion, please can children in these classes still wear their PE...
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Reading Newsletter – November/December 2020

Please find attached the latest Reading Newsletter, courtesy of Mrs Rayner. It’s definitely worth a read! Reading Newsletter Autumn 2 Also on the reading theme, a reminder that the deadline for the Extreme Reading competition is tomorrow.  We have had a few entries so far and we are looking forward to receiving more!    
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Easingwold Foodbank Collection w/c 9 November 2020

Dear Parents/Carers Times are very tough for a lot of families during this pandemic and in the absence of a Harvest Festival collection this year, we would like our school community to make a collection for the Easingwold Foodbank.  We have been provided with a list of specific items that they could really do with...
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I hope that you had a restful half term break. We were very pleased to welcome the children back into school this morning.  It was lovely to see so many smiley faces – parents and children alike! Following Saturday’s announcement regarding the second national lockdown which comes into effect on Thursday 5 November, we felt...
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Dinner Money Autumn Term (2) 2020

Dinner money for this half term is now due for children in Class 3 and Class 4. We have split the term into a 4 week and 3 week period, and the total amount due for period 1 is £53.00 which is for 4 weeks.  The remaining 3 weeks will be added to your account...
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Only Smarties have the answer…

Although at risk of showing my age, there was no more appropriate slogan for this post! The Smartie tubes have been emptied and all the money counted.  We are absolutely thrilled to announce that you wonderful people have contributed to an awesome total of £338.29! We are so grateful. A special thanks to Mrs Swiers...
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Spelling lists per year group for the autumn term (2)

Year 1 Autumn 2 Spellings Year 2 Autumn 2 Spellings Year 3 Autumn 2 Spellings Year 4 Autumn 2 Spellings Year 5 Autumn 2 Spellings Year 6 Autumn 2 Spellings
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Half Term Challenge: Extreme Reading!

We love seeing our children enjoying reading a range of different books and have a half term challenge that will raise the profile of reading for pleasure across the school. Children should be photographed getting lost in a good book in an unusual or ‘extreme’ place or doing an ‘extreme’ activity… All done safely and...
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