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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Summer Fair – Saturday 22 June

We look forward to welcoming parents, carers, pupils, friends and the local community to our Summer Fair on Saturday from 12pm – 4pm. Any donations for Saturday (e.g. tombola items, teddies, raffle prizes, filled jam jars etc) can still be brought to school between now and the end of the week. We would also be...
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Parent Governor Vacancy from September 2024

Following the details that were distributed on 15 April, we are delighted to inform you that two parents have been nominated for the parent governor vacancy in September.  As we only have one vacancy, we will need to hold an election. We have received nominations from Toby Tsang (Year 2 parent) and Fiona Ankers (Reception...
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Duracell Big Battery Hunt – We need your help!

As a school we have signed up to ‘Duracell’s Big Battery Hunt’. ‘We believe that to tackle the effects of climate change, we need to inspire and encourage children to care about their environment now and in the future. With over a billion batteries consumed in the UK every year and less than half recycled, we...
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Parent Governor Vacancy

Good afternoon, Please see attached documentation regarding a Parent Governor vacancy. Parent Governor Election Summer 2024 Nomination Paper Statement in Support of Election Publication of governors details and register of interest Disqualification Declaration Please note the deadline for applications is 15:30 on Tuesday 7 May 2024. If you would like to know more about the...
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Home School Values – Summer Term 2024

Good morning, Our special values for this term are Service and Truthfulness. We hope that you will take some time as a family to explore these concepts and complete some of the activities together. Further information about these values is also included in the children’s reading diaries. HomeSchoolValues-SERVICE HomeSchoolValues-TRUTHFULNESS
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Crayke Voluntary Litter Pick – Saturday 23 March 2024

Crayke Voluntary Litter Pick – Saturday 23 March 2024 Starting at 10:30am at Crayke Sports Hall Please join us if you can for our annual litter pick around Crayke. Please arrive in good time for our safety briefing which all must attend. Wear warm and weatherproof clothing and footwear. Hi-viz over-jackets, disposable gloves, pick-up sticks...
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World Book Day – Thursday 7 March 2024

World Book Day is approaching fast! This Thursday, we will be celebrating with a music-themed World Book Day. This year, we are asking children to bring in their favourite book and be ready to share the name of a song that would be a great soundtrack to the book. For example: ‘Look Up!’ By Nathan...
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Home School Values – Spring Term 2024

Good afternoon Our special values for this term are Perseverance and Justice. We hope that you will be able to take some time as a family to explore these concepts and complete some of the activities together. Further information about these values is also included in the children’s reading diaries. HomeSchoolValues-PERSEVERANCE HomeSchoolValues-JUSTICE
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UV Disco – What a night!

Wow! What a way to end the half term! It was incredible to welcome the vast majority of the children back to school tonight for a UV disco, brilliantly organised by CHASA!  Thank you so much to the volunteers and helpers who made it happen and a special mention to DJ Pete and his sidekick...
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Young Voices update – important information for parents

Oak Class have had a spectacular rehearsal (you’re in for a treat!) We have had our all important food and are now ready to perform! Look out for us wearing blue wrist bands to distinguish us from the sea of white t-shirts! The children are being absolute superstars in what is a very long but...
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