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Crayke Chronicle 27th March

WORD-Crayke-Chronicle-27.03.20 PDF -Crayke-Chronicle-27.03.20
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Creative Friday

Mrs Walsh’s idea for the day: Draw with Rob – he’s a children’s book illustrator and he’s doing guided drawings of characters in his books.  He’s done 3 so far and doing one every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 10am. This from Mrs Rayner: Let your imaginations run wild with these activity suggestions. In this...
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Corona booklet

We are aware that many children will be anxious about the virus and, particularly for younger children, it can be difficult to explain it in a way they will understand.  This booklet may help… Corona booklet children
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Wall of Fame!

We thought you might like to see some of the photographs we have been sent of the amazingly creative things you’re getting up to this week – here goes!   A bug hotel! A unicorn created from a nature walk collection! Oskar has been busy making 2D shapes using earbuds! And his galaxy potion making...
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Thursday Check In

Good afternoon – another lovely sunny day! Over the past two days I have attempted to make telephone contact with every Crayke family and it has been so lovely to speak to you and to hear of all the adventures that you are having.  If I have been unable to speak to you directly, it’s...
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ParentPay Refunds: Information for Parents/Carers

We are aware that some people are owed money for payments made via ParentPay and just wanted to let you know that we are working to refund parents/carers as soon as possible.
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Wednesday update / Calling all mathematicians!

Good afternoon everyone and hope you are managing to enjoy the sunny day in one way or another.  It has been lovely to touch base with many families this morning and do keep in touch if you need anything. A recurring theme during my phone calls with parents today has been worries that their children...
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Message from Archbishop Sentamu

Mrs Walsh has forwarded this to me to share with you all – with special significance for Year 6 pupils, but an important message of hope and solace for all at this time.  Remember – believe in yourself, your work will not go to waste and your teachers believe in you.
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Good morning bookworms!

The theme of today’s message is all things book related.  Some parents have asked about the possibility of collecting reading books from school.  Unfortunately we just aren’t able to do this, as much as we would like to be able to.  Instead, we have some suggestions to get you going. OXFORD OWL – –...
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Good morning from Team Crayke

Morning everybody, hope you all managed to get some rest over the weekend and that you are ready for the week ahead.  For children who are learning at home, we trust that the learning packs are going to be opened and started today.  There should be enough in there to keep you going! We will...
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